Are you Participating in Hero Rush?


If you have never heard of Hero Rush – where have you been?  Hero Rush is an obstacle course that allows every kid who ever wanted to be a firefighter when they grew up the chance to live out their dreams for a day.  The course has been designed by veteran firefighters so you know the obstacles you are up against are authentic and represent something our heroes have to face day in and day out.  Set over 5km, it’s a far cry from those grueling military courses; here, instead of generic climbing and crawling obstacles, you will come face to face with real-life scenarios in the world of the fire-fighter, and yes, there is water, lots of water!

Hero Rush obstacles

Be a Firefighter for a Day

You had better get your legs into shape as you will be climbing ladders and scaling roof tops, not to mention smashing down doors and dragging heavy fire hoses around.  After you have crawled through smoke laden mazes and made your rescue you might just be thankful of the cooling blast of a fire hose in your direction!

Just be careful who you take with you to watch you tackle the course though as they may also get access to a fire hose and if they do, they can aim it wherever they want!  Even if you don’t think that you are up to tackling the complete course, the spectators as well as those running the course can try their hand at standalone obstacles positioned around the Inferno Midway Festival Area.

Fun and Activity for All the Family

The event will be supported by vendors offering a wide variety of food and drink options, as well as a whole host of family themed entertainment, music and fundraising merchandise stalls. Local fire crews will be on hand to give demonstrations and displays and what kid has never wanted to ride in a fire truck?  Even the kids can get involved with Hero Rush as there are two specially designed adventure courses set up just for them.

All for a Good Cause

The money raised from the event will be given to the National Fallen Firefighters Foundation which serves families of fallen heroes across the country.  There is also an opportunity to run in honor of one of the firefighters killed on 9/11 in the “343 Wave”.  The communities in which the Hero Rush events are held also benefit from the money raised at the events, as all of the registration fees from the kid’s events are given to a local fire related charity.

What Are You Waiting For?

Registration for the events is open NOW so visit the website at and get your name down for an event near you.  As an added incentive all Extreme Sports X readers will receive a $5.00 promotional discount by entering the promotional code dotherush5 when registering.  Good Luck!  Have fun living your dream.