How to Choose the Right Travel Partner


Traveling alone is a very liberating experience, and I would recommend it to anyone. I mean anyone. However, there is also something to be said about traveling with a friend, or a group of friends. Human beings are social animals, and even the most introverted of person will appreciate companionship now and then. When it comes to experiencing new things, such as traveling to a strange destination, having a travel partner can make the experience better. Or worse. That is why it is rather important that you don’t simply jump and agree to go on a trip with a friend. It is vital that you make sure that you are a match as travel partners.

travel partner

If you are considering traveling with a person that you already know, then it might be easier to determine if going on a trip with him or her is a good idea. You will know your personalities and preferences, and using this information, you can decide if the trip will be good for both of you.

It is also vital that you lay out expectations from the get go. Let me give you an example. When I was planning a New Year’s trip to an isolated beach with a friend, I told her from the start that the trip was going to be a quiet one for me. I was going through a rough time in life, and all I wanted was to sit on the beach, read, listen to music, and basically do nothing. She was all about exploring the nearby islands, the caves, and meeting local people. I had nothing against that, but it had to be clear that she was going to have to do some things on her own. The result? We both had clear expectations, and we enjoyed the trip!

Another thing that you have to consider when choosing a travel partner is the level of comfort that you both expect. There are people who will not think twice about staying at hostels. This is not to say that hostels are undesirable, but there are also people who love their comforts, especially when going on a vacation. When considering a travel partner, either you both have exactly the same standards for accommodations, or one or both needs to be willing to compromise and find a middle ground.

Bear in mind what your travel goals are. Even if it is only to have fun, that is a goal, and as long as you know exactly what you want out of your trip, you can lay out your expectations with a potential travel partner. The trick is in being open from the start. This will ensure that neither of you will have unpleasant surprises down the road, which may very well ruin your trip!

If you cannot find a travel partner that is a good match – though this is highly unlikely, really – there is no need to despair. There is always the option of solo travel, which will give you an awesome, albeit different, experience as well.

There’s nothing Cheryl Grise likes doing more than packing up her bag and exploring new places. Whether she’s alone, or with a companion, she goes all out to make the most of her trip. One piece of advice from Cheryl: submit your blog to a blog directory to gain a wider reach.