Extreme Sports X Competition – Win SSX


    SSX (Snowboarding Super Cross) is the latest snowboarding video game by EA Sports and it is the prize in our first ever giveaway.  Released on the 28th February in the US and in early May elsewhere around the world this game has been eagerly anticipated by extreme sports fans and extreme gamers for months.  We are offering you the chance to win SSX for either the Xbox 360 or the PlayStation 3.  So how can you win?

    Entering the competition is easy:

    1. Make sure you have liked our Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/ExtremeSportsX – this is where the winner will be announced.

    2. Share this page with your friends on Facebook (the social media buttons are at the bottom)

    3. Leave a comment at the bottom of this post.  We want you to tell us what your favourite extreme sport is and why in 50 words or less.

    4. The winner will be chosen at random and announced on our Facebook page on 25th May.

    Rules and Regulations

    • This competition is unfortunately only open to residents of the US, UK, Ireland and Canada
    • Only one entry per person will be accepted
    • Should the winner not have a mailing address in the US, UK, Ireland or Canada the prize will be void and another entry will be drawn at random
    • The winner can choose which platform they would like to receive the game on – Xbox 360 or PlayStation 3
    • Entries posted after 5pm EST on the 23rd May will not be included in the prize draw

    Want to know more about SSX?  Click here for the lowdown via Amazon.

    You have until 5pm EST on the 23rd May to enter the competition