A Beginner’s Guide To Choosing Climbing Equipment


Climbing is one of many hobbies allowing you to enjoy and stay in shape simultaneously. You experience mental and physical challenges, giving you a different kind of thrill.

Like any other sport or hobby, climbing comes with different gears essential for safety and proper execution purposes. If you want to know what gears you need to start your climbing hobby, check the list in this blog post.

Essential Climbing Gears Beginners

Having the right gear is crucial to climbing right. Some climbing centers allow you to rent gear and equipment, but it would be best if you could have your own. 

You don’t need to buy all the gears at once; you can purchase one piece at a time, especially if you’re just starting. You buy online from backcountry equipment or visit physical stores. 

To help you decide what items to buy, here is a list of climbing gear for beginners.

  • Climbing Shoes

The first on the list is the climbing shoes. If you’re planning to buy one gear at a time, climbing shoes should be one of the first you should get.

A climbing shoe is a vital climbing gear. Climbing shoes have a special rubber sole that gives you a firm grip on the rock, keeps you safe, and allows you to place your foot on small holds. There are different climbing shoes for all climbing styles, and they can be categorized as neutral, moderate, or aggressive. There are many options for shoe closures, including velcro, laces, and slip-on shoes.

The most comfortable and least expensive shoes for beginners are neutral shoes. Shoes with downward slopes are tight and uncomfortable and are typically used on technical terrain. You should focus on comfort when just getting started with these new shoes. 

It’s essential to wear climbing shoes that are snug but not so tight that they cause pain. Since climbing shoes aren’t designed for walking, you should only wear them if you’re climbing.

  • Climbing Harness

Like climbing shoes, a climbing harness is an essential piece of climbing gear with ropes. You can secure the rope with your harness. The essential features of a harness are legs and waist holes, gear loops, and belay loops. 

Harnesses differ in many ways, including how the leg loops adjust, the weight, the material, and the fit. These features will become even more critical if you decide to specialize in a particular climbing style.

For a beginner, look for a comfortable and affordable ‘all-around’ rock climbing harness. When purchasing your first harness, it’s crucial to focus on the right fit. 

If you’re already getting used to the fit and feel of a harness, it can be helpful to be able to adjust your leg loops if you prefer non-adjustable leg loops.

  • Chalk Bag And A Chalk

Climbers always have a chalk bag on the waist and chalk in it to help them improve their grip. For most people, hands get sweaty, especially with pressure and movement, so the chalk helps absorb sweat on the hands. 

The majority of chalk bags have a closure mechanism and a waist loop. It’s common for boulderers to use chalk bags or buckets that are larger, without waist straps, and include brushes.

The only tool you’ll need to start climbing is a waist belt chalk bag with a chalk ball. There are so many colors, designs, patterns, and shapes to choose from when it comes to chalk bags.

  • Locking Carabiner And Belay Device

You’ll need a solid locking carabiner and a belay device to complete your basic climbing kit.

As a climber moves, the belayer needs a device to control the rope. There are two types of belay devices: tube-style and assisted braking. 

Any belay device you choose will require a locking carabiner. Locking carabiners are climbing clips. It’s a device for attaching things without worrying about them falling off.

  • Climbing Clothes

How you dress for climbing is important, as climbing involves a lot of movement and sometimes awkward positions. If you don’t have climbing clothes that allow you to move easily, you should invest in one.

Wear climbing clothing that allows you to move freely on the wall. Make sure your climbing clothing is breathable, sweat-wicking, and quick-drying so you can stay warm and comfortable.


Engaging in something like climbing involves a decision and commitment. If you’re going climbing, dress the part and have the right gear and equipment for it.

It doesn’t have to be expensive, but it needs to be durable and long-lasting. 

There are still other climbing gears not included in the list, but as beginners, the gears mentioned above are the top on the buying list to get you started. 

As you progress in climbing, you’d learn more and discover other helpful gear and equipment to make climbing safer and fun.