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Tag: Cycling

4 Outdoor Recreation Activities for Extreme Sports Beginners

With all of the exciting options available in the wide world of extreme sports, it's no wonder more, and more people are starting to...

Adventure through Africa

For Tómas, it was always going to be the whole continent or nothing at all. Having spent 7 weeks cycling across America, Tómas decided...

Reasons Why Electric Scooters Are Riskier Than Bicycles

As a person fond of the electric scooter and after owning one for a couple of years, I must say that I have received...

How Jonathan Kambskard-Bennett Cycled Around the World by Accident

You’d think that embarking on a three-year trip cycling around the world would involve a huge amount of planning, training and continuous dedication to...

7 Ways to Condition for a Long Distance Cycling Tour

A long distance bike ride is a journey that pits the body and mind to conquer massive obstacles in pursuit of a goal. For...

What is the Most Dangerous Pastime in the UK?

Special Risks Bureau has just conducted a survey of over 4,000 people in the UK in order to find out which extreme pastime they...

Top 5 Extreme Sports in the Balearic Islands

Those lucky enough to plan a holiday in the gorgeous Balearic Islands are looking to have a great time and a trip that they...