Extreme Sports Hotels Being Built for Russian Winter Olympics


Sochi, Russia has been garnering increased attention over the past two years in its bid to become a major winter sports hub. With its successful grab of the 2014 Winter Olympics in Russia and the addition of a Formula 1 race track that will also be ready the same year, Sochi has demonstrated its ability to attract sports enthusiasts and organizations alike. The Black Sea resort town has undergone serious renovations and construction in its ambition to become an international player in the sports arena and is ever expanding by adding new venues, among these is the Extreme Hotel. Opening in 2015, the complex is being built as one of the best locations for extreme sports in Russia and aims to attract future customers’ attention through the exposure and hype of the 2014 Olympics.

The Sochi Extreme Hotel will consist of 209 bedrooms and is located directly below the Alpine Ski slopes and right next to the Snowboard Park, both of which have been constructed for use in the 2014 Olympics. The idea is a business model developed by Extreme Hotels to provide centers of operation to extreme sports lovers, where a variety of activities are easily accessible. Unlike Liverpool Hotels, they won’t be economical for the everyday person but is worth a stay at least once in a lifetime. Collaborating with the Rosa Khutor Ski Resort Ski Development Company, Extreme Hotels hopes to build momentum for its opening by being clearly visible during the 2014 Winter Olympics in Russia. Once finished, Extreme Hotels claims that its Sochi complex will be one of the best extreme sports locations in the world and that it will draw a stark contrast between itself and traditional ski resorts.

According to statistics, this hotel could in fact have a bright future. With over 150 million extreme sports participants in the world, Sochi’s Extreme Hotel hopes to capitalize on this market. There are no signs that the trends are slowing, either: extreme sports is the fastest growing sector in the sports field. And things like pointsbet deposit bonus code always encourage spectators to watch more sports and win more. ES and Rosa Khutor hope to monopolize on a model that involves creating a unique environment for extreme sports in Russia by developing a series of high-quality venues within close proximity and promoting an environment that caters to younger individuals. Extreme Sports is betting on success in Sochi and if successful, plans to replicate its design in some of the best extreme sports locations all over the world.

Some aspects that are being implemented in the Sochi project include state-of-the-art technology, excellent local advice and assistance, direct access to extreme sports facilities and easy availability of equipment and resort packages. While the hotel will not be open in time for the Winter Olympics in Russia, the ES Hotel plans on engaging actively in advertising during this period in order to recruit individuals who would be willing to return the following year to enjoy the pinnacle of extreme sports in Russia. By locating itself at ground zero for Russia’s winter fun and by developing an advanced, new niche of winter experience for the extreme sports thrill-seeker, the Extreme Sports Hotel hopes to begin cornering the global market for all things cold and bold.