Excellent Nutrition Tips to Ace Your Climbing Expedition


Are you looking to improve your overall climbing performance? Well, you are in the right place. One thing most climbers overlook is nutrition. Your energy levels need to be at a high and consistent level to boost your climbing. With higher energy levels, you will be able to climb longer distances frequently and feel strong during your expeditions.

nutrition tips for climbers

Planning your meals is one sure way to improve your climbing performance. Eating well-balanced and nutrient-dense foods does boost your energy and strength levels while at the same time cutting down on the time needed for recovery. Besides, you can opt for supplements such as fragment 176-191 to help complement your diet.

Well, without further ado, here are excellent nutrition tips that will help you ace your next climbing excursion.

Balanced Diet

The main agenda here is to make every bite count. As discussed before, balancing your meals will help you maintain high energy levels. In simpler terms, a balanced diet should consist of carbs, proteins and fat.


Carbs are commonly referred to as energy-providing foods. Carbohydrates are digested into glucose, which is then burned down to provide energy within your body tissues. Carbs are split into two categories; these categories are the simple and complex carbohydrates.

Simple carbs are directly absorbed into your bloodstream. Besides, they offer short bursts of energy. Examples of simple carbohydrates are honey and sugar cane juice.

On the other hand, complex carbohydrates are usually rich in fiber, meaning they take a longer time to be digested. This means that they provide your muscle tissues with a steady and gradual sugar supply for a longer duration. An example of complex carbohydrates is wholegrain bread.


Proteins, aka bodybuilding agents, are essential for muscle growth and the repairing of muscle tissues. Animal products like milk and eggs are the best sources of proteins. Additionally, for vegans, nuts, legumes and seeds do pack a decent punch of proteins too.


Fats provide insulation and protect your inner organs. Other than that, fat can be used to fuel the body.

Your Meal Plan on Climbing Day

For an ordinary climbing day, your meal should consist of 25 percent fat, 35 percent protein and 40 percent complex carbohydrates. After you are done with climbing, you can eat a snack. The ratios of nutrient content can vary depending on the intensity of your climbing.


For breakfast, you can have black beans, bacon, scrambled eggs and avocado. These are excellent sources of proteins that will help you feel full during the day.


Dates and almonds or sweet potato chips laced with almond butter. These are a combination of simple and complex carbs that will help refuel your body, causing you to maintain high energy levels.

The main idea for eating well-balanced meals is that you can entirely focus on health while at the same time enjoying yourself. Additionally, make sure you drink the right amount of fluids to stay hydrated at all times. This will aid you in keeping muscle cramps at bay. Also, staying hydrated will help your muscles recover quicker, cutting down on recovery time. Hopefully these nutrition tips for climbers will come in handy.