How To Take Kitesurfing To The Next Level


Are you tired of wiping out in kitesurfing?  Wipeouts are relatively common in beginner, moderate, and extreme kiteboarding activities. But, some kitesurfers experience flying off of their boards more frequently than others. So, you’re now wondering how to take your kitesurfing skills and experience to the next level. Here are four tips to help you in that endeavor:

Set A Goal And Stick To It

Many kitesurfers want so many things done in just a single kiteboarding session that their minds and bodies don’t coordinate. Thus, the first step to taking your kitesurfing expertise to the next level is to set clear short- and long-term goals.

Short-term goals are objectives that you can achieve per kiteboarding session. For example, you’re now at the beach or ocean, and you want to learn how to ride upwind. Thus, concentrate your efforts in achieving proper form when riding upwind.

Don’t attempt to tackle more advanced kiteboarding tricks if you don’t have a mastery of the basics. Remember, the basics exist to help you build a foundation for better control, and for doing tricks. Without mastering the basics, attempting to do maneuvers, such as front and back rolls, can result in wipeouts and injuries.

However, you might need the motivation to keep those goals intact. If so, you can find out more inspiration by checking online resources. You may even find better gear to help you achieve your kitesurfing goals.

Practice Safety

Kitesurfing allows you to ride winds and waves in a harmonious combination. You can attempt to ride your kiteboard on calm waters and relatively fair wind conditions. But, consider moving to more extreme conditions to test your progress.

However, remember that kitesurfing is an extreme sport. One wrong move can spell disaster for your equipment and your wellbeing. With that in mind, you must practice utmost safety when kiteboarding, regardless of the wind or water conditions.

For example, consider replacing your worn bars and bridles with newer models. These components can break down or snap while you’re kiteboarding out in the open sea, which can cause serious injuries.

Check your gear for any damage before attempting to head out to the water with your kitesurfing equipment. Also, make sure that your surf kite and safety gear are all in excellent working order before every session.

When you practice proper safety precautions for kitesurfing, you’re on your way to improving your craft with peace of mind.

Be Patient

Riding the waves without wiping out takes determination, practice, and a lot of patience. Don’t expect to learn raleys, nuclear grabs, or blind judge 360s in one night.

See yourself as a beginner kiteboarder, even though you’ve been kitesurfing for years. With a beginner mindset, you open yourself to new opportunities for learning. Conversely, seeing yourself as an expert might inhibit you from learning new things. Take note that some kiteboarding moves need you to gain a mastery of the basics before you can do these expert techniques.

Also, be forgiving with yourself; it may take weeks, months, or even years to ride relatively calm waters without wiping out. Think about the experience while keeping the goal in sight. Don’t focus too much on the target, otherwise, you might forget about performing proper form and technique.

Realize that kitesurfing is a process. You can’t just grab your power kite and become an expert in a fortnight.

Avoid Mistakes

It’s easier said than done when someone tells you to avoid mistakes in kitesurfing. But, you can prevent some mishaps when doing this water sport. Some of these errors include:

Not Researching About the Place

You’ve packed your bags, and you’re now ready for your kitesurfing trip. But, once you arrive at the location, your jaw drops as the open seas greet you with calm winds and waters. Hence, research about the kitesurfing location before booking your trip.

Not Enough Weight On The Back Foot

Many kitesurfers struggle to maintain proper balance on their boards. It’s because the weight distribution is incorrect. So, make sure that 90% of your weight is on the back foot. Let the wind carry the rest of the body while allowing your core muscles to maneuver the board.

Not Leaning Back

Some beginner kitesurfers might be afraid to lean back because of their fear of falling on the sea’s surface. But, know that you need to lean back to build tension in the lines. Trust your harness to hold your body correctly while doing the activity.

Follow these tips so you can take your kitesurfing to the next level. Remember to be patient, avoid common mistakes, and practice safety precautions in every kiteboarding session. In time, you can become the expert kitesurfer you desire.