Five Inexpensive Tips to Help Improve Your Catching Game In Cricket


Cricket may not be the most popular sport on the New Jersey betting scene, but it is one of the oldest and most popular sports in the Commonwealth. Originating sometime in the 16th century, the sport has been played internationally since the 19th century, when the Ashes was born. They game has evolved but its class remains, requiring skills to master. In basic terms, cricket is played with a ball, bat, and sticks known as wickets. The aim is to score innings by batting the ball and running between the two wickets. Throwing the ball, known as bowling, requires just as much skill as batting requires and they are both two of the more essential plays of the game. Catching the ball is another basic aspect of the game, which requires as much practice and concentration as the aforementioned two. In this article, we’ll take a look at five tips that could improve your catching game.

 1.  Catching Drills

There are a lot of drills that can improve your catching. Not everyone is gifted with steady hands, a great reaction time, or balanced hand-to-eye coordination, but there are drills and exercises that can improve these fundamentals for you. As a cricketer, at some point in the game you will have to be a catcher, so it is necessary to have this skill down pat. You can bounce a ball off a wall or rebound net, play catch with a partner, or use a Katchet training aid with the help of a partner.

 2.  Keep Your Eye On the Ball

This is pretty much a staple across every sport that is played with a ball. You cannot catch what you cannot see. Before the batter takes position, make sure to breathe, find your balance, and then keep your eyes on the ball. Nothing else matters until the ball is safe in the hands of a catcher.

3.  Work on Your Focus and Concentration

For most players, as their focus and concentration improves, they are able to visualise a batter’s hit, thanks to scouting reports and their knowledge of the player. Just like a boxer does shadow boxing, concentration is a very necessary tool and one that you can work on without any equipment.

 4. Practice Often with Hard Balls

In cricket, for beginners, or during practice, soft balls are used to accustom players to the feel of the ball and also to avoid injury. However, as you improve, you should practice with a hard ball as much as you can. It gives you a real in-game feel and gets you used to making catches. It may sting at first, but you will get used to with time.

 5.  Get Into Position Before the Batsman Hits

The devil is in the details, and this is true in cricket. Catching requires that you have your fundamentals on a string and always ready. Once the ball is off the bat, all you have time to do is react. Get into a balanced position, set your eyes on the ball, and then wait for the batsman to hit.

These five tips are by no means all there is in terms of little healthy habits to pick up as a cricketer, but they will get you started with minimum equipment. They can make all the difference to your game.