Tips On Buying the Right Bike for You


Once the biking bug bites you, it is hard to get away from the desire to ride into infinity. However, riding is not just getting on a bike, not if you want to enjoy it. As a rider, one of the first things you’ll need to do is pick a suitable bicycle for your new found hobby or activity. That is where the endless search starts and the confusion in the face of so many options. Well, if you fall in this category of “I need a good bike, but I can’t seem to decide or tell the differences between the many options out there”, then this little guide is your best bet to help you find one, and as sure as any bet you can find on

 1.  It is a Question of Biology

First, you have to choose a bike based on your biology. There are male-specific and female-specific bikes, and then there is the consideration of height, weight, etc which also determines the size of bike to buy. While some people do not pay attention to these details, they are an intricate part of decision-making and go a long way to making your biking experience enjoyable. Women have a shorter torso and so, should consider bikes with shorter stems, and bone structure also impacts what type of saddle to buy. Knowing yourself will go a long way in knowing which bike to buy.

 2.  How Do You Plan to Use Your Bike?

This is fundamental to any choice you will make, because different intentions require different kinds of rides and consequently, bikes. Are you planning to ride for leisure? Training? To do tricks? All three scenarios require different bikes and the components they have on them. There are entry level components for leisure or light rides, and professional group-sets exist for people who are looking to train or get into competitions. Also, where you will be riding is another important factor. Are you a road warrior? Or do you want to dominate the mountains?

 3.  When You Know Your Intentions, You Know Your Price

Once you have figured out what you want to use your bike for and where you want to ride, you can now contemplate the quality of the bike and how much you will be dropping for it. As a leisure Sunday rider, who wants to just roll on the road, entry level components should do the trick, meaning you should not spend more than $500 on what you are getting. This amount can serve as a good base for someone who wants to get serious with training, from light to heavy. If you are looking to get into competitions down the lines, then you need to give yourself the best chance to win, which means making an investment of about $1,500 and above.

 4.  Where to Buy

Some names are trusted names and that is usually for a reason. You are sure of the quality you are getting and if possible, a guarantee, when you buy from a reputable brand. Buying from these can help ensure you do not make a bad investment.