How to Prepare for an Airsoft Game


Airsoft has been a growing sport in the UK and US for nearly a decade.

It’s the type of game that appeals to our inner soldier. You’ll often find that airsoft players are adrenaline junkies who love combat situations. 

Objective-styled game types mixed with amazing realism. It’s an extremely popular sport yet so many people haven’t had the pleasure of running across an airsoft field dodging enemy BBs.

This article will guide you through game day preparation if you’ve never played (but you’re considering it).

Before we dive into the article, let’s make one thing clear: airsoft is for everybody. Not just elitist men or ex-soldiers.

Men, women, boys, girls, transgender, non-binary. Airsoft is an incredibly inclusive sport and we welcome everybody to at least try it once.

Now, let’s get into it.

What to do the day before an airsoft game?

If it’s your first game of airsoft, you likely don’t have any equipment. 

No airsoft weapons to load or pack away.

The night before your first airsoft game, the best thing to do is to prepare your belongings and get a good night’s rest.

Airsoft is an extremely physical game spread out over 6 hours of intense gameplay.

The last thing you need is to feel tired before you’ve fired your weapon at anybody.

Other things that might help:

  • Make sure you double-check the game location and directions.
  • Triple-check arrival times (you don’t want to miss your safety briefing).
  • Prepare any food you might want to bring with you.
  • Have one last check of any gear you’re bringing (shoes, jeans, hats, beanies, etc).

You want to have an enjoyable time.

So, rest up, double-check your gear, and get ready for a great day shooting BBs!

What should I bring to my first airsoft game?

If you’re hiring a gun from the game organizers, you don’t need to worry about preparing your weapons.

Airsoft can cost as much or as little as you want.

But there are key fundamentals you’ll need to bring along with you.

Plenty of water, an extra pair of boots, extra ammunition and, a towel.

You might also want to bring an extra set of clean clothes (depending on where you’re playing and the time of year).

Any experienced player will tell you that being hydrated is key.

And any airsoft player will tell you that during the winter months, it can get a little bit messy out there. So bringing extra clothes will protect your car from getting ruined.

What do you do at your first airsoft game?

So, you’ve arrived at the game location and it’s time to join your team.

You’ll want to bring a little snack along if it’s a long stretch between breaks (usually provided by the organizers).

The first thing you’ll do is take off your civilian clothes and put on your tactical gear.

If you’re hiring a replica, go and see the marshalls to pick up your gun and BBs before the safety briefing starts.

During the safety briefing, listen carefully.

This is where you’ll be told what’s expected from you throughout the day and any instructions on how to play particular game types.

When you’ve finished listening, make sure to ask any questions you might have before getting ready for your first game of the day!

The game day normally looks like this:

  • Sign-up and insurance waivers.
  • Collect your hire gun and prepare your magazines.
  • Safety briefing.
  • Game time.
  • Lunch break.
  • Game time.
  • Short intermission to reload your guns.
  • Game time.
  • End of the day.

What are the rules of airsoft?

Different areas have different rules at their games.

But there are a few general guidelines you should be aware of:

  • You’re expected to treat every weapon as if it’s loaded and live at all times.
  • No pointing your gun at anybody unless you intend to shoot them (and never ‘just messing’).
  • Shooting glasses (eye protection) must remain on at all times during gameplay.
  • Abide by the set FPS (feet per second) limits.
  • Don’t blind fire.
  • Pay attention to the minimum engagement distances.
  • The safety zone means all magazines out of your guns.
  • Do not shoot toward vehicles or civilians.
  • No cheating (i.e., pretending not to be hit).

It sounds like a lot of rules but, it’s not.

When you understand you’re holding a replica firearm that has the potential to injure somebody, you’ll realise the rules are there for a reason.

Airsoft Game Objectives

There are two main types of airsoft game objectives:

  • Team Deathmatch (TDM).
  • Objective-based games.

During a TDM, the team with the highest number of kills at the end of the designated time limit will win.

Really easy to understand and enjoyable to play!

The objective-based games have different rules depending on what the objective is.

But, what does ‘objectives’ mean?

Different objectives you might see during an airsoft game are:

  • Destruction of the base.
  • Capturing a flag.
  • Killing an enemy VIP.
  • Etc.

You’ll have to keep up with the rules of each objective depending on which game you’re playing!

Sometimes there are multiple objectives and that’s when the fun really begins.

What should I wear for airsoft?

Before you even make a decision about what to wear, take a look at the weather forecast.

But here’s our list of essentials:

  • Long sleeve shirt and long pants (preferably camo).
  • Hat or cap.
  • Sunglasses.
  • Your tactical gear should be fitted but comfortable.
  • A loose belt will snag on things in the building so, don’t wear one.
  • Eye protection.
  • Face protection.
  • Sturdy shoes.
  • Suitable clothing.

If it’s your first time playing, just make sure you pay attention to your environment.

You want to try and blend in as much as possible. Make sure you take that into consideration.

Nobody wants to turn up to an airsoft game and get peppered with BBs because they’re wearing bright orange.


Airsoft is an amazing game with all types of players.

That’s why safety is paramount to keep the game alive and our friends free from harm.

Don’t take your safety for granted – follow the rules, always wear protection and above all else, have fun!      

If you’re still unsure about whether or not this sport is for you, we say: just try it. If you don’t enjoy it, you can always play paintball (we joke).